Wednesday, August 19, 2009


All students are expected to blog once every two weeks in English on the topic of co-existence in their chosen "community."

Each post should be at least 150 words and should begin with a question you want to answer. To answer the question, you will need to:
  • Do research online
  • Evaluate and summarize websites
  • Interview and/or survey others
  • Ask questions
  • Think critically about the subject
  • Form opinions
  • Cite what you've found (see class notes)

How to start your blog

1. Get a Gmail address. (We will use this all semester.)

2. Start your own blog by going to Blogger.

3. Hand in your blog address so I can link it to this one.

Never include any personal detail that might get you in trouble. This includes your address, phone number, or any incriminating photos. If you don't want your teachers, parents, a scholarship committee, or your future employers to find it, don't post it!